Tuesday, September 23, 2003

It's been a productive day. It's been an Oi day, that's for sure. I listened to lots of loud punk music and worked on my guitar drawing and had a productive afternoon. So far, so good. I've been in need of calipers for a few of the details, though, so tonight I decided to venture out into the darkest corners of the city's craft and hobby stores. The first six places I tried turned up nada, and all the employees I asked told me to try stores I had already tried. I eventually ended up at the Sears hardware department and the helpful salesman had just what I needed. I'm now the proud owner of an odd looking ruler that slides and measures things. It kind of looks like a wrench. That wasn't the only cool thing at Sears, though. The girl at the register in the hardware department was cute, too. Throw in a HDTV set playing non-stop episodes of the Simpsons, M*A*S*H, and Buffy/Angel and I'm in Valhalla.

Then I went and bought coffee and doughnuts, making for a very nice evening indeed. I think there was a Beavis and Butthead episode where they have a great day and get free nachos and free money, and that was pretty much my day. Wahoo, you know? Now I'm going to work on a website. I'll post a link when it's up. I'll post a link for the what, two people who read this? Yeah.

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