Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I'm making more progress on the website. The rudimentary java programming is a little over my head, but I want the rollover images to work. I'm all about the eye candy. That meant that I had to make a trip to the main branch library to find books about HTML, Java, and web design. It's surprising how many worthless web design books are in print. There are so many books that are full color illustrated and reference the latest software, but say absolutely nothing about making an effective site or the technical details for such a task.

In other news that has little to do with me but will have Gerry leaping over tall buildings in his Superman boxers, the Chicago Cubs beat the holy hell out of Cincinnati. 6-0. That's not even close. Even the Libertarian party would say "damn, you lost by a lot."

West Wing premieres tomorrow night. I'm all hyped about democracy for that. It ought to be an interesting season, too. Multiple Emmy wins and a new head writer hopefully mean that the show will have new issues to explore. After 4 years, where do they go? I have high hopes.

Enough blogging, back to the web page. I need to get this thing done.

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