Saturday, September 20, 2003

I didn't make an entry yesterday because almost nothing happened yesterday. I drove Dad's new Volvo and started the new Palahniuk book Diary, but that was about it.

Tonight I hung out with my three room mates from college. I didn't realize how much I miss those guys and how great it was to see them. We played video games, watched GI Joe cartoons, and ate soft batch cookies. The cookies are significant from college- we always had a bag somewhere in the dorm room.

Not much else tonight. The claritin knockoff I took is making me more tired than usual. It is talk like a pirate day, though, so arrr. Or as I might say to Gerry, "Arrr, ya cheap fuckers!" Guess you had to be there for that one. It's not that great a story, but at the time it was hysterical.

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