Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Today, work wasn't as mind numbing and soul sucking as last week, so I thought I'd make a quick post.

I've applied to SWACS to work on their webpage. Am I qualified? Sort of. I can't code my way out of a paper bag, but I can learn. I hear that they like to hire HHS graduates for such positions, so I have a good chance here. Of course, most HHS graduates either get out of the state and never return, become raging alcoholics, or live with their parents until they're in their early thirties. I'm doing my best to be the first type, but it's taking awhile.

Stay warm, everyone. It's wrath-of-Yahweh cold out there. My doors were frozen shut this morning, so I had to beat on the ice with my bare hands, so now the back of my right hand is scraped up in a fashion similar to the fury of a small rodent attack. I got fed up with that and melted the ice off of the door lock with a butane lighter. This is normal behavior in the midwest, but someone in Texas once sold me that they don't even have ice scrapers in their cars. Weird, huh?

I kind of miss doing huge long marathon posts. There might be one coming, though, assuming Gerry ever completes his half of the oft heralded but sorely neglected joint post about our speculation over the coming summer movies. Hear that, Gerry? Get your arse in gear- the people need to know the opinions of two lanky web-connected comic geeks.

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