Thursday, January 08, 2004

I turned in an application to work on the SACS website today. Open a tab and look at it here. I don't feel the need to mess with the layout, but I imagine I'll update the content fairly often. Gotta keep the kids informed.

I have a xanga site now, but the most noteworthy thing about it is that I made a little html redirector to this site. I got the xanga account so that I could post feedback on Gerry's blog. This reasoning is perhaps a little weak, but he does little audience participation things now and then, and that's worth a fraudulent xanga account. I did consider porting all of my content over to xanga, but I wasn't really impressed with the interface. I'm used to blogger, with it's luxuriously wide text input field and quirky spell check app.

I found out something interesting today. Those of you with the ability to read may have noticed that my URL is "". This is because is taken. I don't know this person, but he sounds like someone out of Todd Solondz's movie Happiness. At the time of this writing, the sad sack hasn't done anything with his site, hence my irritation and lack of sympathy for him.

Also, go check out Pathetic Geek Stories. It's been a continued feature in the Onion, and now it has a site of it's own.

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