Sunday, August 08, 2004

Last Saturday at 5:56 PM I shelved my last book at the library. Feeling a strange sort of giddiness surge through me as I stood up, I wheeled my big wooden cart back to the employee elevator on the fourth floor and proceeded to the basement where I removed my ID tag and walked out for the last time. No more books in bulk for me, just one book at a time now. An oil tanker full of rolaids and preparation h couldn't match the level of relief I felt as I made the two block trek back to my car, past the bank buildings, through the alley with the Cthulhu graffiti, and across the freshly paved road to the library lot. Even the mundanity of the local radio stations couldn't quash my good spirits.

I stopped at Books Comics and Things and picked up Ultimate Nightmare #1 and the new Batman 12-cent Adventure. Ultimate Nightmare seems interesting, and it's written by Warren Ellis, so I expect good things, even though most of the pages are ads. The Batman 12-cent stories are always cheap springboards into longer story arcs, which serve as a great preview of things to come. This particular issue wasn't particularly interesting or well-written, but for 12 cents, it was a decent read.

Last night, as I was practicing my guitar, I accomplished something significant (for me). I was practicing the song Jennifer Ever by the Smashing Pumpkins, which uses the F chord often. Normally, I can't hit this chord at all, but last night I did.

So, thus begins a week of preparation for moving to BSU. I'm going to do as much laundry as I can while I'm here so that I don't have to worry about that later, and so I don't smell funny as I introduce myself to new aquaintainces. I have a decent hodgepodge collection of amenities and brickabrack from my previous college experience, except for a dish drainer for the sink. It seems an odd item to be lacking, but I never had one when I lived in an apartment my senior year, so I didn't know that I needed one until someone told me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I thought the 12 Cent Adventure was pretty good. But I'm a Batman groupie.