Sunday, August 15, 2004

I have a cell phone now. It's a big step for me, as I generally don't approve of the devices. I think they're needless gimmicks, toys of affluence, arrogant, and rude. I despise classical music ringtones especially, and most other cellphone noises in general. I don't like the feeling that I'm always available with this, either. So why, then, can I not put the thing down? I'm enamored with it. I've fiddled endlessly with the little features, trying various display color schemes and wallpapers. Currently I have a little cartoon bomb icon in the back, though I'm strongly considering changing to the black pumpkin icon. There doesn't seem to be a cool skull icon, but if there were, I'd use that. I check obsessively for missed calls and voicemail messages, though this has yet to be an issue, as only three people have my number. I don't know what I would say if someone would call me, though. I'm not really a talkative person. The phone is a little smaller than my iPod, but I have yet to decide of that is significant. I suppose it won't be that bad to have, but if I ever leave it on during class or in a movie theater and it rings I'll have to commit seppuku.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just be sure to leave your phone off when we see Catwoman! I wouldn't want the one or two other patrons at the film to be disturbed.