Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I've been really boring for the past week. Just dull. The next few weeks will be much busier as I pack and move to BSU, so I've allowed myself some downtime. Yeah, that's the ticket.

I've been reading The Smashing Pumpkins: Tales of a Scorched Earth by Amy Hanson. I ordered it at Barnes and Noble and it came in a month ahead of the scheduled release date, much to my surprise and delight. It's a little bit challenging to read, though. I'm pretty sure the author did all of the editing herself, judging by the unusual amount of cliches and egregious similes. The book is really well researched, though. I mean really well researched. The author gathered information from sources so obscure that even the most devoted fansite wouldn't have on file. Even personal interviews with producers who remember the band from back in 1988. It was at least twenty-five pages before the first Metro concert was ever mentioned.

I went to the eye doctor this morning. My eyes are fine, even though I got them dilated. When I left I needed sunglasses for anything brighter than indoor lighting, and my peripheral vision was so wide I could almost see my ears. I looked pretty cracked-out.

This is my last week at the library. I'm not especially sorry to leave this job, even though I like some of the people I work with. I am going to miss the cheese bagels from the food cart in the entryway, though. Those are amazingly good.

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