Sunday, February 15, 2004

"If you havin girl problems I feel bad for ya son, I got 99 problems and a [chick] ain't one." -paraphrased from Jay Z

One more Valentine's day down, who knows how many more to go. It wasn't bad, as corporate fueled guilt trips go. I slept in through most of it. I woke up with a headache, which I treated with two ibuprofen and two episodes of the Simpsons. I also went to see Lost in Translation tonight. It's quite a good movie about feeling isolated in a foreign environment and finding something or someone to connect to. If you like smart movies, see this movie. If you don't like smart movies, then I don't know how you got this URL because I sure didn't give it to you.

The Possum is still at large; similar to bin Laden, but without ambiguous ties to the Bush family.

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