Friday, June 15, 2007

The following is true:

I got a job at DePauw* University as a multimedia guru for alumni relations. Moving shall commence in the coming weeks. New clothing has been purchased to make me presentable. More on this as it develops.

I will probably still graduate, to answer the many who have asked about this. I don't know when or even how exactly, but the consensus seems to be that I should finish what I started out of boredom and desperation, even now that I am neither. If there were a way to pinpoint and remove certain classes from my memory upon completion of the degree, I would have made more of an effort to be done by now.

As my life gets more interesting than it has been recently, I'll blog more. They must have internet access where I'm going, right? It's between Indy and Rose Hullman- there must be an intarweb tube we can all siphon from.

* DePauw with the "w" is the one in Indiana. DePaul with the "l" is north of Chicago. I'm at the former.


Unknown said...

OMG an update from loyal!!!! whooo!!!

(Hint: Wedding. Miami. Date.)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Depauw....congratulations! I miss that place, small but a quaint little charm to it!