Sunday, October 23, 2005

Trading one campus for another, I'm currently sitting in the Middle Ground coffee shop in the middle of Kenyon. I'm here for the family weekend, when the students somehow drop what they're doing to indulge a mob of blood-related tourists. Michael has been gracious enough to show us all the places he would be going to anyway, like his room (messy as mine), the newspaper office, and other points of interest. The paper office is in a tower in the old part of campus, making it cooler than any other office I've seen, even counting my own with the purple wall.

We got into town yesterday in time to see a wind ensemble concert that Michael was in. It was an enjoyable show- I hadn't heard live classical music in longer than I care to admit. We all went out to dinner at an Itialian restaraunt where I saw an old guy eating dinner with a head-mounted flashlight on his forehead. The food was good too, but the guy is more blog-worthy.

We went to see Michael performing in one of a series of vocal groups in the evening. Most of them were fun and entertaining, save for the first, the (group)*. Their style hearkens back to a day when gay wasn't analagous to being fabulous or talented. And just because the song "Good bye my Coney Island Baby" is an old standard, that doesn't mean it was ever a good song. My enthusiasm for traditional acapella music is normally strained at best, and Michael tells me that one of the guys in the group is a dick, so in my estimation the whole lot of the limp-wristed bluebloods can sod off. The other groups were great, though. They sang for the sheer love of it, and one group even did a humorous reinactment of a scene from The Lion King.

I got to meet Rebekah, whom Michael is quite taken with. She's nice, and every bit the introvert that I am when I'm not around my family. She reminded me of a young Audrey Hepburn (see Charade), if that means anything. I met the Greek professor, who imeediately identified me as a grad student (wether by conspicuous black bag or emmaciated physique, I don't know). I saw Michael's suitemate in passing on an elevator, and then later on I saw someone that we assume to be related to his suitemate alseep on the couch. We went to a midnight pancake breakfastand ate until the smoke alarm went off from the cooking.

I'll probably post some pictures of this trip later tonight or tomorrow when I can get them off of my camera. It's time I stopped abusing the free wi-fi and went to find my family in their various locations.

*edit, 5-12-06: While I enjoy the churlish ability to scattershot-libel anything that comes to mind on the internet, it is not my intent to tarnish the name of the group I previously bitched about in this post. Apparently, this post came up in a Google list as the one negative result, and I don't want to be that guy. That said, I still don't like most acapella- possibly because I'm an idiot.

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