Friday, December 10, 2004

Whenever I mention how much work I have to do, someone invariably tells me "only one more week" with the best of intentions. In truth, I'm all too aware that I only have a week or less to accomplish everything.

The creativity class Dust-O project is coming along well, I think. I've been match-moving for the past few nights and I have yet to figure out how to make the lips move how I want. I have a MEL scripting book that may offer some insight.

I'm genuinely worried about passing narrative theory. I talked to the professor and she gave me some good advice for the final, and I have a couple of friends who have offered to help. The bright side is that it's not art history or graphic design. I really hated those classes.

Digital storytelling class is OK, I suppose. I'm not sure how I'll do there. Not great, but not terrible.

Human computer interaction is my favorite class, though the final paper is huge and I have yet to actually type anything. I have plenty of research, though. My topic is Bittorrent as a content delivery system, and I plan to include information about RSS, as the two work together effectively.

Aside from all of that, things are going well. I like the people I get to work and study with, and without them I don't know if I'd still be here. Coming to grad school was, in some ways, a bad idea. If I am as intelligent as some people say, it doesn't show here. This is still my only way out of a lifetime of servile retail work and hopefully my ticket out of Indiana. This state eats youth to fuel a dead economy. Everywhere I've worked, I've seen several people who could be better used in other fields. Great writers, philosophers, and historians reduced to hocking Dan Brown novels and other airport terminal best sellers. Then I hear about people my age and younger in other states doing great rewarding work and living better than I can even fathom. I have to get out. Currently I'm thinking Boston. I don't know what's there for me in my field, but I know it has to be better than where I am now.


Anonymous said...

I think I quit grad school 3 times my first semester.

Hang in there, Luke.


Anonymous said...

One more week, man. The sentiment behind that is the far more reassuring but apparently outdated "This too shall pass." You're going to work your arse off the next week, and it will not be fun, but after that week, the doubt will be over. So yeah, worry now, but realize that that worry is the problem and that it's "only one more week." By the way, I have a week and a half. *shakes fist atchoo*
