Friday, April 02, 2004

I discovered a couple of mildly interesting tidbits about the internet recently. One: my blog is finally a blip on the google radar. I tested this out of curiosity and found that there's even a cached version from a few months ago. Two: some photographs I took almost a year ago are up on a promotional website for the SACS music booster carwash.

A little follow-up from the other day's pants post. I decided to scratch my apparel buying itch and venture into the Buckle to look for something good. It turns out that there was a sale rack in the back, so my preternatural spider-sense for clothing sales wasn't just misfiring. I found a pair of pants that didn't look good on me at all, but I did find a shirt that I like, and I got it for %25 off. It wasn't the greatest deal I've ever gotten, but it was the only thing in the store I could see myself wearing with an ounce of self respect.

I'm still waiting for word from BSU. I know it will take awhile, and everybody tells me not to worry, but I'm getting a bit nervous.

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