Monday, March 01, 2004

I'm not in blogging condition today, so this isn't going to be a huge long post. I worked a full eight hour shift in the cafe yesterday with a 103F degree fever, so I'm letting myself recuperate today. Forcing, actually, as I'm eager to spend my day off doing things I enjoy, like visiting the library and, well, checking out books at the library. Also, The Tripplets of Bellville is playing locally, but I want to wait and see it with my brother next week.

So, while I've been playing Jimmy Stewart* cooped up indoors looking longingly at the outside world, I found this brilliant flash animation that you all need to see. Trust me. Super Mario Brothers. Even in 2-D it manages to outdo the near-forgotten live action Super Mario movie. There are three parts, so watch them all and geek out.

*In the movie Rear Window, if you didn't get it.

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