Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Ground Control to Major Tom

I've been informed that I need to update this blog. I hadn't realized that it had been full week since my last update. I am also reminded that it has been a full week without anything major happening. I hung out with Todd and James a few times and that was cool, but I'm not sure how blog-worthy it was. My definition of blog-worthy is getting a little stringent, though.

I got a rejection letter for the computer help desk job, which pissed me off royally. I need money in a big way if I'm ever going to move away from here, and I need a job to get money. What does it take? I'm starting to think that I might not be smarter than all the mouth breathers I like to feel superior to. Ah well, at least I get mail. Applying for a job is kind of like using active sonar pinging to reaffirm that I'm alive. I send out a resume, portfolio, and demo reel, and I get a polite letter back informing me that I'm not needed. Maybe it's like the boomerang in the Legend of Zelda games- I throw it out and get a steaming lump of rejection when it returns. Thus far, my accuracy is %100.

I found myself musing about domestic things again tonight. I was in Meijer waiting for a prescription to be filled, so I wandered through the hardware department to look at the tools and I ended up in the aisle with the lights and other little home-y touches. I was actually looking at this stuff and thinking about how I'd paint it or alter it to suit my tastes when furnishing an apartment. It's odd that it feels kind of natural. I'd like to furnish my own place some day, but that would mean moving to a different city, away from all my friends. I guess it's a trade off. I would like to live in Chicago, or some cool city. I'd also like a nice varied music scene I could get into. Oh hell, I'd be happy with a job anywhere.

Watch this space later this week for a joint blog post with the esteemed Gerry Appel. I promise it'll be a better team-up than Batman and Spawn.

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