Thursday, April 17, 2008


That's my job in a nutshell, especially this past month or so. Most of the work I do really does resonate with me, but now and then I do something for someone that makes me wonder who would ever find it appealing. Those are the jobs I get overridden on, the vanity pieces and fixations of people with no design sense and an overwhelming sense of self-importance.

It's been nice to work on fund raising efforts to support the school because it feels altruistic. But it's also interesting to wonder about the messages we're putting out and who is actually responding. It's pretty clear who the smart people in the room are at the meetings- they're the pragmatists who decide to try anyway to support the school. So, despite my complaints to anyone who will listen, I do actually work with some great people. Still, like George Carlin said: "Why do the people who know the least have to know it the loudest?"

Ah, oh well. It's nice weather again, so time to take the bike out and reject the internal combustion engine in the name of recreational fitness. I'm also looking into getting a bike carrier for my car so I can take it to ride in other areas.

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