Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Every now and then an opportunity comes along here at BSU that allows me to do what I came here for- production and interdisciplinary learning. I'm working on an animated short for a giant project here called The Terri Dreams. The site explains it, but it's basically a series of five dreams. My part in this is the beginning of the second dream, with two pairs of lips and the universe. Or something. The segment director has it all planned out and storyboarded, and it doesn't look too complicated. (DN article)

I'm getting close to my cultural immersion. The brain trust that designed the DS program way back when decided to require a big expensive trip to a foreign culture. Sharper minds have since refined this to mean any culture that can be justified through rhetorical study (or somesuch). I'll be going to Chicago to study the art and music culture, and blogging the whole deal on a separate blog from this one. While I still can't shake the notion that this is essentially buying a grade, I am looking forward to the trip, as it is something I've always wanted to do somehow. Chicago is revered in almost hushed tones in Fort Wayne- if someone garners enough local acclaim for their creative endeavors, the buzz starts that they're going to Chicago to make it big. It's how 18th-century immigrants used to talk about America. I'll post a link to the immersion blog in the next week or so, once I find a good template.

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