Thursday, November 03, 2005

You've got to be kidding me. Pretty soon it'll be possible to do the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

Halloween weekend was fun, ergo I didn't get anything done, ergo I haven't had time to blog this week. Last Friday Gerry and I went to a basement party at the house next door. Usually these are worth making an appearance at, as the young lady of the house is quite pleasant to be around, but this event had live music by a local band called "Charlie Don't Surf." Any band that takes it's name from a line in Apocalypse Now is probably cool, but these guys backed it up with some really great meandering psychedelic rock. Their setup had parts from a cardboard robot costume scattered around, and a cheesy Troma film projected on a sheet in the background. Fun times.

Saturday was the big party day around here, so I got all dressed up for the occasion. I made a green mesh apple and attached it to a plastic bowler hat so that it covered my face. If you aren't familiar with French surrealism, I'm not about to explain the painting I was dressed as, but a lot of people did get it. The first party I went to was at my boss's house, a legendary yearly celebration where they decorate the entire downstairs from floor to ceiling with Halloween brickabrack. It's funny to see what costumes faculty come up with. I wasn't the only painting there- one of the art professors was dressed as the Mona Lisa. He wasn't as greenish as the original, but he did have a beard, so there was still that element of the unexpected. One of my favorite professors was there as the obsessive-compulsive Dr. House from the TV show, complete with a few days of stubble and a bottle of pills in his pocket. My boss was dolled-up (ahem) as a goth raggedy-ann doll. I didn't happen to win anything at that party, but I wasn't aware of a costume contest until the winners were announced.

The next party I went to was in Windemere apartments. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy- just turn left at the lady who turned into a pillar of salt last week and you're there. It's a nice place to visit, especially on weekends when all the undergrads throw parties. This one had the requisite beerpong and bad music, but it also had people who knew what I was dressed up as. One of the girls was rather shocked to see me as the guy from the Magritte painting because her boyfriend was the same thing 500 miles away. I wonder what the global total was? Certainly no more than six billion. I received a ribbon for "most original costume," which means that they didn't get it either but they appreciated the effort. There was a guy dressed as the pope, and he was such a nice guy. Of course, the best costume there was Gerry as Batman. This year that goes undisputed because nobody challenged him to do a flip.

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