Friday, August 12, 2005

At a quarter after 7:00, I awoke to the sound of trees being pruned and the wood being shredded in the parking lot outside my window. As I was leaving for work, I discovered that all of the music on my iPod was gone after some technical difficulties I had the previous night. I was digging in my bag and got a paper cut. I got to work and was told that because the icom grant dried up, my graduate stipend for the coming year will be about $1600 less than last year. I'm still having difficulty with my fall schedule, which is partially not my fault. After work, I walked home and got stuck in a torrential downpour halfway. I needed to go to the store, but I couldn't because I needed to make sure my rent check would clear and my last paycheck would be deposited properly. This particular area on the north end of shit creek is starting to look familiar.

So far, today has been better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need a man hug!

