Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Let me be clear: cookies and I go back a long time. Despite my slight build, I love cookies in a very deep and meaningful way. When I saw a new kind of soft cookie for sale, the "soft baked Chips Ahoy," I naturally wanted to try them. The competing (and far superior) "soft batch" cookies from keebler are a favorite of mine, and they always remind me of one of my old roommates. This new kind? Not so much. They aren't baked so much as they're shaped out of dough and grease, which leaves a strange aftertaste. To underscore my desire to warn the world, I took the trouble of making a picture of Yoda admonishing the world against these. Ignore me if you will at your own peril, but who among you would ignore Yoda?


Anonymous said...

But I like dough and grease.


Loyal V said...

Rub one on the wall like a Krustyburger and watch for the birds.

Anonymous said...

What a second--if Yoda dislikes these cookies, he WOULD give them to evil Sith Lords, wouldn't he?