Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I sat down here in the library with intent to blog, and now I can't think of anyting to say. Spare moments like these are few and far between. I have a few minutes before work, and I can't think of anyting on my to-do list that can be effectively accomplished in twenty minutes or less, so here I am. With nothing to talk about. Maybe something interesting will happen later, like an armed peasant revolt from south Muncie, or something.


Anonymous said...

I think it's appropriate that you cannot think of what to blog, and I cannot think of how to respond.

Anonymous said...

Something interesting: armed peasant revolt.

Something even more interesting:
armed pheasant revolt.

Anonymous said...

Something interesting: armed peasant revolt.

Something even more interesting:
armed pheasant revolt.

Sorry if this is a double-post.
