Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I'm sitting in the BSU library right now with a clear view of a large gray cement pillar behind my monitor. Behind that the view is better, though, with many shelves of books and periodicals.

I moved the remainder of my stuff into my apartment last night, and to mark the occasion, Gerry and I went to the village to celebrate. We had a beer at the Bird, formerly a Buffalo Wild Wings franchise, followed by a stop at the Martini Bar across the street. It's a swanky little establishment, with cool lighting and reasonably clean couches. He had a fruity concoction, but I opted to wait for some time when I didn't have the overpowering flavor of Guiness in my mouth. We talked about all the usual stuff that we've talked about for years, and then chatted with the bartender for awhile. She was cool, but then some guy started trying to get into an argument with Gerry about how BSU's journalism program isn't as well respected as Notre Dame. I don't know what his problem was, but he had thick glasses, a hearing aid, and a high squeaky voice. Those disadvantages coupled with a bad attitude made arguing with him rather pointless and dull, so we left.

The graduate development conference this morning was actually worthwhile in a big way. It turns out that my old high school friend Jessica is a grad student here too. We caught up with each other during breaks and over lunch. I also met a couple of people from my same area of digital storytelling. Media geeks aplenty. I talked to one of my co-workers, and she said that my work computer is awesome. I get a GB of RAM.

After the conference I went and took a walk through the art museum here. The collection is pretty nice, with a couple of Ansel Adams prints and a Degas statue, among a few other names I recognized.

I got my student ID picture taken. If you can imagine me as Andy Kaufman, that's what it looks like. Kind of crazed, but fortunately not at all like the passport photos of the 9/11 highjackers. That counts for a lot, I think.

My stuff is still mostly scattered and in boxes and I need to go to the store to buy food. I haven't any orange juice, and I fear I may succumb to the scurvy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mention "your" stuff a couple of times, but we're not fooled. Oh, well, I guess we have nothing to worry about if our house is burgled now.
