I saw an idea for cheap fisheye photography on the internet last week, and on a trip to wallyworld I decided to test this method. A one-way peep hole with the inside end removed makes for a cheap way to deform a subject. I made a stand for the lens with green floral wire, a cheap and versatile material I discovered in undergrad when my friends used it for sculpy clay armature understructure. The original faq I found has comments and links to other methods of mounting the lens to the camera. If I can find a cheap lenscap or filter, I'll try to make a mount for it. The images are all orange due to the light in my apartment, and PS couldn't do much to change the saturated orange.
In other news, it's good to be a comic geek right now. The last panel of Astonishing X-men #15 made me (quite literally) jump out of bed and dance around for what it referenced, and hopefully everybody else who reads this issue will get the meaning. Gerry and I purchased our advance tickets for the first showing of Superman Returns next week, so we're all ready to go.