Serenity was awesome. Comparing it on its own merits to the Star Wars prequels on their own merits,
Serenity is a better movie. I think it helps to have seen the
Firefly TV series that precedes the movie, but most people I've talked to disagree.
I'm really tired. My days are filled with things I really enjoy doing, but I think I've reached a saturation point. I'm doing all kinds of production and tech related stuff; so much so that I barely have time to eat, sleep, or even clean my apartment, which looks sort of like it was transported from the Gulf of Mexico right now. There's a Treehouse of Horror (number 2, I believe) where Homer is sent to hell and forced to eat donuts constantly for eternity, much to his delight. That's my life right now- I asked for projects, and I got them.
Freedom League: I had this one on the back burner for awhile, as I didn't think it would ever get out of development. It turns out that my colleagues Gerry and Ryan are still serious about doing it, so I'll be working on this quite a bit for the next month or so.
Animation: I'm modeling a series of wooden puppets for a movie based on the short story
In a Grove. The finished product will go on a DVD for my digital production class. Two birds with one insofar very large and difficult stone.
Documentary: Sunday afternoon I'm going to a meeting of the Indiana Ghost Trackers to start a documentary about them and their activities. There is some added mystique here because my partner and I have heard of other students who have started documentaries on this group, only to stop abruptly and never release any footage. What could this mean? We're grad students, though. Dogs in the refrigerator don't hold a candle to three hour methodology classes.
I'm also helping a friend of mine out with his thesis. Normally academia and I mix like oil, water, and feral cats, but here's what I get to do: I record ten minutes of me playing the top ten most popular games of last year, and get paid for my time. It's some kind of comparative study about violent video games here and in Asia. Anything for a friend, that's my motto.
Amidst all of this I'm still buying comic books. This is worth a paragraph because next week is the first issue of "Infinite Crisis," a gigantic hoopla in the DC universe that's been slowly building for years. The whole thing is being orchestrated by a team including Geoff Johns, the great comic author Gerry and I got to meet last Spring. The story so far has been broken up in small pieces in individual books, so readers have gotten different versions of the story depending on what they normally read. All these parallel plots have been coming together recently, and it's been interesting to see it all happen with what I know about story design and nonlinearity now. Is it obvious that I don't date much?
Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm pretty sure I'll be 26, if my math is right. 26 going on 12.